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3 Ways to Make a Better Property Offer

Terry Bailey Real Estate

It can be quite tough to acquire a chosen house when your local real estate market is locked in a seller's market. There will frequently be many offers on a single home. That's when it's critical to change a few essential elements of the REPC contract to catch the seller's eye. You may boost your chances of closing the transaction by doing the following three things. If you’re looking for selling a house in utah, look no further than Terrybaileyrealestate.Com.

1-Clauses of Escalation

When there are numerous parties interested in a property, it might be difficult to make a decision. You would never break the bank by offering a large amount more than the other possible buyers. When provided with a wonderful bargain, you also don't want to come in too cheap. An escalation clause might help in this situation.

2. Home Inspection & Financing Deadlines are Stricter

We would never advise a buyer to skip the house inspection entirely. You can be fortunate and not have any issues. If there is a significant problem, though, it might be a complete nightmare. We've seen several cases when the seller states everything is up to code and there are no issues, only to discover mould in the basement. Cleaning up a hazard like this is incredibly expensive.

3. A larger earnest money deposit is required.

The earnest money deposit you put on an offer has no bearing on the purchase price. This money is simply folded into the down payment for the house in a successful real estate transaction. Earnest money is a sum of money that will be used to pay the contract if you default on it. The bigger the sum of money, the more incentive a buyer has to follow through on the commitment.


Purchasing a home with potential for appreciation or that is priced below market value might be challenging. You can guarantee there are lots of other purchasers or investors out there hunting for diamonds in the rough. If you find yourself in a position where numerous parties are vying for the same property, the utah county realtors will help you win the deal.

Terry Bailey Real Estate
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