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What is B2C Booking System?

What is B2C Booking System?

B2C Booking System stands for business to client, which can easily be integrated with a number of APIs for flights, hotels, cars, transfers, and other travel products. B2C Booking System offers the best online bookings that make the booking process faster and simpler for all kinds of clients. 

B2C Booking System offers a great and most vital tool to the clients which are useful for making online bookings, generating own vouchers and flight tickets, checking the history of bookings and payments and also for cancellation or amendment of bookings around the clock all over the world. 

Travelopro B2C Booking System Features

·        Customized. mobile responsive user-friendly interface

·        Customer Management and user profiles

·        Multiple Travel API Integration via XML or JSON

·        CMS Integration for content management

·        Advanced SEO pages

·        Automated booking emails

·        Multi-lingual content integration

·        Multi-Currency booking

·        Wallet for easy payments and refunds

For more information,

Please visit our website: https://www.travelopro.com/

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