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Ways to Reduce Corporate Wireless Costs

Matt Brown
Ways to Reduce Corporate Wireless Costs

There are ways to reduce wireless costs for businesses or large organizations without changing service providers. Savings range from 10 to 45%.

Remove unused devices. If you work for a large company with hundreds of devices in circulation, it's important to periodically review usage reports from your wireless providers (AT&T, TMobile, Sprint, and Verizon Wireless). Of course, there may be seldom or seldom-used devices for emergencies, and there may be other devices among the employees, but during the audit, there was never a case where more than 10 unused phones were not found by customers. do not know. Monthly fees, including taxes and surcharges, are up to $100 per month. Suspending or removing 10 phones can save you $1,000 a month.

Data plan management. You can save on data usage charges by splitting one large account into several smaller accounts. Compare your usage over several months with your provider's usage and identify and reconcile your peak users. Cost savings can be realized without changing employee policies or behavior. You don't have to reduce your data usage, you just pay for the data you use.

Move active international users to providers that offer more aggressive rates. One provider's international rates are so low that you don't know how they still make money. If you're concerned about networks and coverage, most carriers share networks and more and more calls are made over the internet.

View invoice and compare price to contract price. The wireless company is not required to provide the price agreed upon during contract negotiation. The customer needs to confirm the invoice and set the price. Don't assume your company is getting what they agree to. The longer you wait, the less likely the company will recover the overpayment. Take advantage of

promotions and undisclosed plans. Even if your company has a contract, your rates may be adjusted. Wireless is much more flexible than fixed. There are more aggressive group buying plans and lower promotional prices than those charged by very large companies with hundreds of devices.

If your business needs help reducing your wired and wireless costs, contact our Wireless Cost Management team by filling out the web form on the right side of this page.

Matt Brown
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