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Galileo Travel Software | Galileo Software For Travel Agents

Galileo Travel Software | Galileo Software For Travel Agents

Travelopro provides Galileo Travel Software, Galileo Software for Travel Agents and Tour Operators globally. Galileo Travel Software interconnects travel agents with airline, hotel, car rental, rail and other service providers via a single platform.

Galileo Travel Software helps in connecting the reservation systems and consolidates them into one entity, along with integrating them with the global distribution system. Galileo GDS System- offered by Travelport, is one of the most sophisticated global distribution systems for the travel domain. Galileo GDS contributes global distribution services for the travel industry with advanced computer reservation software, top-of-the-line travel system, and web services XMLs. Galileo is among the world's largest travel content providers, serving travel companies around the world as a technology leader. B2B and B2C travel software with Galileo Distribution System are growing in countries like Mexico, Malaysia, India, Europe, the United States, and South Africa.

Galileo API System

Galileo API Provides you with an approach to the reservation of airplane seats, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other travel industries. Galileo XML API Integration encourages integrating all services in one place, which in turn empowers travelers to discover the best deals available worldwide. Galileo API empowers travel portals to get the best services providers by their side to display their efficient portal services, which in turn will also bring massive traffic to the website. Galileo Flight API integration will encourage you to connect with all of the leading airlines. 

For more information,

Please visit our website: https://www.travelopro.com/

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