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Pharmacy Colleges In Meerut

Pharmacy Colleges In Meerut

Pharmaceutical sciences involve the application of chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and physiology to devise drugs & their application on the human body.

This is a historical science because in olden day’s kingdoms had pharmacists who made drugs for cure.

Over the years, this science has made rapid strides because of advances in science & technology. Earlier times, because of infections, huge chunks of the populace got wiped out.

Now because of advanced drugs & vaccines mortality rate has reduced & life expectancy has improved.

The corona pandemic has reaffirmed faith in innovations in pharmacy because of high mortality rate.

Scientists & researchers worked overtime for devising the corona vaccine because the virus has ravaged the world. It also engulfed India in a lethal second wave because of not following covid appropriate behavior.

Research oriented education is the need of the hour because it enables drug discovery crucial for survival. B Pharmacy Colleges in Meerut nurture pharmacists who can foster innovations because it is vital for survival.

In the lockdown, medical stores did brisk business because they are crucial for survival. All businesses suffered while the pharmacists survived because they provide necessary drugs for life.

Because of lack of opportunities in engineering except computer science, interest in pharmacy has increased because it allows one to get self-employed.

To be self-employed is good because you can work at your convenience & reap the benefits of your hard work.

There are many B pharmacy colleges in Meerut that offer varied courses in pharmaceutical sciences, but one should be careful while selecting your college.

Please ensure Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) has recognized the course because it regulates pharmacy education in India.

In order to find the PCI approved B Pharmacy Colleges in Meerut , please check their website for the list of colleges. Please ensure the college has the requisite infrastructure that makes it the best B pharmacy college in Meerut.

Infrastructure means modern labs & workshops because it’s a professional course that entails practice for drug discovery. Without practical experience, the college cannot nurture quality pharmacist to call itself the best college for pharmacy in Meerut.

Over the years, I have visited many colleges, but one college worth mentioning is

B Pharmacy College in Meerut

The B Pharmacy College in Meerut has installed modern labs & workshops that foster experiential learning because it is crucial for placement.

We encourage students to endure in labs & develop formulations because it fosters critical thinking crucial for success in life.

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