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Top 9 Dog Breeds For First Time Owners

Petofy - Everything Pets
Top 9 Dog Breeds For First Time Owners

Different dog breeds have different natures like humans. Sometimes we choose the wrong breeds which will become irritating and after some time we began hating them and their activities. We know it takes time to get used to the environment and understand each other as first time interaction. There are many dog breeds available around you that you can easily get but some breeds are best for the first time pet owner.

Dogs For First Time Owners

1. Indian Pariah - These dogs are native to the Indian subcontinent and make an excellent pet or guard dog. These are the oldest dog breed in the world. Indian Pariah dogs are very intelligent, loyal, and loving dog breeds. The immunity level of desi dogs is far better than foreign dog breeds. They are also low – maintenance dogs that you don’t need to pay very much on their grooming, diet, and other things.

You can easily find them on the street and nearest shelters. You can adopt them easily without paying anything. Adopting a dog is better than buying. I recommend you adopt a desi dog and help him to give a new home and family.

2. Labrador – Labrador is also a popular dog breed in India and is best for first time pet owners. They can be trained easily. One thing you need to do with them doesn’t leave them alone at home because these dog breeds always love their family around. You need to pay attention to their hair grooming, brushing, and regular walk. If you can’t give much time to him and just wanted him as a guard dog then I will not recommend you to adopt this dog breed.

3. Golden Retriever – Golden retriever is a very smart dog breed and very easy to train. This dog breed daily need one hour for training if you can do this that’s great then he is ready to join your family. These dog breeds also love to solve mental puzzles. You can also train him mentally. If you are thinking to adopt a smart dog, then I will highly recommend you go with this dog breed.

4. Poodle – Poodle is a short dog breed that can be easily fit in your lap. If you are becoming a pet parent just because you are missing kids in your life, then this is the dog breed you should adopt.

5. Papillon – This is also a short dog breed that you will adopt, and your kids will also love this dog. This dog breed regular teeth care you need to brush his teeth regularly.

6 Bichon Frise – This is a short dog breed called lap dog. They are good in health and can be trained easily. They love training and learn new things easily. They usually get ear infections so you need to do extra care for their ears. Regular ear cleaning is highly recommended for this dog breed.

7. Basset Hound – This dog breed is also known as the short dog breed. This dog breed is not much active as compared to other dog breeds. You need to pay attention to his health also because of their shape and long ears. Regular brushing its teeth on time may be challenging for you. If you go for a long walk after dinner, then it can be your partner because he loves long walk.

8. Bernese Mountain Dog – If you love big size dogs then this is the dog breed that you love most. But you need to give extra care to his diet. In his name, “B” represents “big.’ This dog breed also needs enough room space because of its size. If you want to train them then you should train them earlier while they are small.

9. Beagle – This dog breed is also known as the hunting dog breed. If you are a hunter or love hunting, then this dog breed loves to join you. They are short in size and love company. You need to trim its nail regularly. Beagle needs grooming in the winter season only. This dog breed needs 1-hour regular exercise daily. But remember he loves company so you can’t leave him alone for play and exercise.

Final thought - I just want to suggest the last thing that you should choose a dog according to the family environment. Don’t choose any dog who can not fit into your house. Dogs are very beautiful creatures. They show their love and unconditional love to us so it is our responsibility to take care of them properly as your own kid or family member. Do more research before choosing the best one who suits you and your conditions.

Petofy - Everything Pets
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