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How Custom Corrugated Box Helps Your Business in 2022

Davin Smith
How Custom Corrugated Box Helps Your Business in 2022

Boxes made from corrugated cardboard serve the major purpose of product protection. More than 90% of custom corrugated box packaging is used for shipping. The rest of the variants of corrugated boxes are used for retail purposes.

At the core, the corrugated stock is used to ensure ample cushioning so that products are not damaged.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using custom corrugated boxes.

Made from Recycled Stock & Very Recyclable

Most part of corrugated packaging is made from material that has been recycled. This is clearly an ecological advantage of this packaging.

The second essential thing is the far less content of chemical substances. Which refers to the fact that most custom corrugated boxes are made without usage of dyes and bleaches. 

These two factors make it very easy to dispose off these boxes in a sustainable manner as compared with other packaging types.

Corrugated Packaging Containers are Renewable

Although the corrugated stock is made from timber and pine trees. However, it can also be made from leftover materials from a range of paper-making processes.

Most of the corrugated boxes are made from more than 80% recycled materials. 

The materials used for corrugated and cardboard boxes are taken from sustainable forests. And the harvested trees are replaced with seedlings so the process can be started again.

A Corrugated Packaging is Reusable

On top of the ability to be recycled and reused, this packaging can also be reused. 

This helps you to bring down costs of packaging and reduce environmental impact. 

After the printed corrugated boxes have been used, they can be collapsed from folded state. In de-assembled form, they can again be reused.

As these boxes are popular for their high-strength and durability. These custom packaging boxes with logo can be used again and again for keeping, packing and shipping a vast array of products. 

After using them up for many times, these boxes can further be used. For example, certain documents can be stored, and these boxes can also be used as floor protectors.

And when there is no more reusability left – these boxes can then be recycled again.

These properties make the custom corrugated box a very sustainable solution.

Save Energy by Using Custom Corrugated Box

As more than 80% of this packaging’s content is recycled. So the amount of energy required to manufacture corrugated containers is much less.

Instead of sourcing 100% virgin stocks, locally sourced recycled content is used.

This way, you also add to the local efforts towards conserving the environment. Because you use much less transportation in this way, so in this way, you minimize the environmental damage due to fuel burning pollution.

Superior Grade Protection for Products

Custom corrugated box provides high level of protection to products.

This packaging is ideal making sure the products are not damaged in any way during shipping.

The corrugated stock provides cushioning to products inside. All damages because of stacking pressure, vibrations and shocks are averted with these boxes.

Concluding the Discussion

The above-mentioned benefits of a custom corrugated box show the essential nature of this packaging

Davin Smith
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