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CBLHoopCity: Be a Part of Basketball

CBLHoopCity: Be a Part of Basketball

Are you a basketball fanatic who loves the sport? Do you still have the zeal in you to explore the world of basketball? So, this is your chance to take your game to another level! Here is your opportunity to showcase your skills at CBLHoopCity. This platform encourages basketball players to flaunt their hoop game. Come and be a part of the hoop troop. You not only avail a platform, but also open doors for exciting cash prizes. Not to mention, but it also helps you develop your games with professionals.


Prizes & More: CBLHoopCity

Do you want to play your favourite sport and avail of amazing cash prizes? The CBLHoopCity gives you the platform to showcase your talent. And lets you win great rewards! This is your path to $1.6 million dollars in cash prizes! Sounds exciting, to say the least, isn't it?

Play for the United States and carve your path to grab your spot as a national player. The league format has five stages. They are:

• Regular Season Games: These games allow you to qualify for the Tournament. So make you’re to it your best bet! This is the first route to grabbing your spot on the national level!

• City Champs: Next comes City Champs which allow you to represent your city. Put on your tough game to get through this stage.

• State Champs: In this stage, you get to represent your state. Get through the State Champs to qualify for the next level.

• Regional Champs: Regional Champs allows you to play basketball representing your region. To qualify for the National Champs stage, you will first need to get through the Regional Champs.



If you are interested to get into CBLHoopCity, ensure to mark your spot or register before 30th April 2022 9 PM PST. This will allow you to qualify for the Pre-Season Tournament. CBLHoopCity offers you the best platform to earn $1.6 million dollars in cash prizes while showcasing your talent. This is a lucrative deal, isn't it?

Even if you don't play the sport, no worries. You can connect with CBLHoopCity to sponsor or own teams as well. If you are interested in the same, click on this link: CBLHoopCity

This website will display three fields specifying to enter your name, email ID along with choosing your league interest. You can select among Team Owner/Sponsor, Player Team Owner, or Player. On hitting the 'See Teams In Your City', it will give you a list of the teams currently registered for in your city. You can visit the website for more details about the game rules, cash prizes and more!



So, if you want to up your basketball game, we hope to see you at the league. Let's get some real basketball going at CBLHoopCity. However, do ensure that this is not for signed pro players, signed college players, or current high school players. This is specifically for REC league ballers. So, what are you waiting for? Register your game today! 

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