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Powertrac 439 Tractor Price in India- Tractorgyan

Powertrac 439 Tractor Price in India- Tractorgyan

The Powertrac 439 Plus is a 41-pull tractor manufactured with the asset of Powertrac India. It is one of the most incredible esteemed tractors planned using Powertrac. The eco-kindness and motor fearless nature of this tractor are famous. Multi-Plate Oil Immersed Disk Brakes, a standard matrix gearbox with 8F+2R pinion wheels, single/twofold handle decisions, and extra are combined inside the tractor. The Powertrac 439 Plus has a low mileage, which sets aside money.

The Powertrac 439 Price is between Rs. Five.24 lakhs and Rs. Five.57 lakhs*. This tractor is outfitted with some of present day limits that associate in ranch creation. It has mechanical/power organizing, a 1,500 kg lifting limit this is the most astonishing in significance, and a 2 a year ensure. This tractor consistently meets or beats the rancher's assumptions. The strength of the Powertrac 439 Plus is 41, which works with as far as possible extra really and exactly. Tractor Gyan is the Destination to find the charges of the tractors in a solitary put and overview tractors fundamentally settled on their costs.

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