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5 Bonus Dishwasher Tips

5 Bonus Dishwasher Tips

Many of us spend a large portion of our time cleaning up after ourselves and our families. From endless loads of washing to constantly running the dishwasher, it can feel like we’re always spending our time, money and energy on cleaning.

However, the experts at consumer advocacy group CHOICE have pulled together a list of their best tips t get the most out of your washing machine and dishwasher

Run Dishwasher During Off-Peak Hours

Delay the start of your dishwasher for off-peak utility hours (many units have timers that will start the cycle at a programmed time). Some utilities even offer reduced rates for energy used during this period.

Turn Down the Heat

Most modern dishwashers have booster heaters to heat the water that comes from your home's water tank. Seems pretty redundant, right? Turning the water tank's thermostat down to 120 degrees results in additional energy savings without compromising on cleanliness.

Here are 5 Bonus Dishwasher Tips

1. Run your garbage disposal to clear it out before starting a load of dishes. Dishwashers usually drain into the same pipe as your sink, so that drain must be clear.

2. Before starting a load of dishes, run hot water through your sink faucet until it feels hot to the touch. Your dishwasher will perform better if the wash cycle starts with hot water.

3. Set your water heater high enough to ensure that the water can clean your dishes effectively.

4. Running only full loads of dishes helps to conserve water and energy, but don’t overfill your dishwasher.

5. You can rinse dirty dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, but don’t over-rinse your dishes.

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