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How to Keep Bread Soft for Days

How to Keep Bread Soft for Days

There’s nothing worse than stale bread in the morning. If you can, go to the Best burnaby bakery in Vancouver every day or every other day to get fresh bread. Bakeries like The Valley Bakery always have freshly-baked bread. Get them as fresh as possible so they will last longer at home.

But to make sure that your bread stash will stay soft and delicious even after a few days, here are a few things that you can do:

1. Put your bread in an airtight container

Get yourself a nice bread box. Bread boxes are designed to keep air out. Leaving bread exposed to air is the quickest way to make it stale. It will also expose it to all sorts of bacteria that can cause molds to appear faster.

If you don’t have a bread box, any container will do as long as it is airtight. You can also use a Ziploc bag. Remove excess air and your bread should keep for a longer period of time.

2. Keep your bread away from direct sunlight

Just like exposing bread to air, too much exposure to direct sunlight can also cause it to lose its freshness. It will not just become dry and stale, it might also start sprouting molds, especially when the environment is quite hot. So be sure to keep it in a dark container and place it in a dark but dry place.

3. Use plastic wrap or foil to keep it fresh.

Another way to prevent air exposure is to wrap your bread in plastic wrap. Cling wrap will help block off the air. You can also individually wrap the bread in plastic wrap before putting them in the airtight container. That will make them easier to separate when you need to get them.

4. Don’t refrigerate it. Freeze it instead

According to studies, refrigerating bread will actually not keep your bread fresh longer. In fact, it has the same effect as leaving bread on the counter. So instead of refrigerating it, freeze it instead. Freezing it will seal the freshness. Once you thaw it and reheat it, it will spring back in shape. You will be able to enjoy your bread much longer.

Of course, the shelf life of the bread and how it will last will depend on the type. Some bread types can easily become dry. You would want to look for those with a lot of moisture and are soft, to begin with rather than the hard and crusty types of bread. It’s also important that you get them fresh from the best bakeries. A bakery in Vancouver like The Valley Bakery will ensure that you get fresh bread all the time. Once you get your bread, portion them and store them properly.

Freddie Brown is the author of this article. To know more about our Irresistible Cookies in Vancouver please visit our website: valleybakery.com

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