High blood pressure is something you can no longer suffer from unless you are taking medication, with the simple help of a ballpoint pen such as an acupuncturist with a needle. You will get almost immediate results, which will give you enough time to get medical help when you need it, making you an immediate winner.
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High blood pressure may not be easy to notice, some people may not even realize they have a problem. Doctors even call it a "silent killer" because the consequences are so severe, but the problem gradually develops over time, and symptoms are common in many other conditions and may be absent. You will know!
How can I lower my blood pressure immediately?
Let's look at some symptoms:
- Headache
Interestingly, people with chronic hypertension often do not have a headache. But a sudden increase in blood pressure can increase headaches and cause severe headaches, which doctors call a "hypertensive crisis." Sudden spikes also often cause nosebleeds.
- Blood stains in the eyes and vision problems
Experts believe that high blood pressure can damage blood vessels in the retina, a small layer behind the eyeball, where the images go. This can cause bleeding, noticeable blood clots and possible vision problems.
- Tap your ear and chest
If you experience palpitations in your ear and chest after strenuous exercise, it is very normal and will return to normal when your heart rate returns to rest. However, if these symptoms occur suddenly and for no apparent reason, you must check them.
What are the Consequences?
The effects of untreated hypertension are severe and can lead to diseases such as stroke, heart failure, and dementia. Although it is not always easy to detect a problem, it is very easy to measure your blood pressure.
Most pharmacies have the right equipment, just get used to checking it from time to time. Alternatively, get a portable blood pressure monitor and look at it that way.
Trick to lower blood pressure
This pressure point is known and easy to find. This leans on the tip of the middle finger of both hands. Squeeze it with a ballpoint pen and hold it for at least a minute to lower and relieve blood pressure. Keep in mind that this is not a cure for chronic hypertension, it is more of an emergency trick if you are not taking your medication.
Do you know of any other effective ways to lower your blood pressure? Write about it in the comments section below and share this useful information with all our readers.