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Scalability Challenges In IoT

Yugasa Software Labs
Scalability Challenges In IoT


The capability of a system to manage an increasing quantity of work by adding extra resources; remains a sticking point for many developers attributable to issues inherent to IoT technology.

Moreover, if not handled early enough, such vulnerabilities might evolve into problems that risk higher maintenance hours and latency issues.

Let’s review three techniques that help to tackle IoT’s most complex scaling difficulties.

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1) Start Small And Build Out- Scalability In IoT

Scalability Challenges In IoT

First, if you want to expand responsibly, it is good to restrict your growth over time.

If you start your project with a few reasonable devices, regularly adding one or two over time, you won’t have to overhaul your whole infrastructure, and it won’t take much effort to accommodate them.

With that being stated, if you do take this advice on board, it’s worth remembering that the amount of time you spend adjusting a new gadget can wind up spending more time than the alternative.

This is because when you design a scalable system straight immediately, you may add several devices at once.

Like most things, this all relies on your unique IoT project. If it’s relatively minor, you may gradually build up.

However, it’s worth thinking about the more comprehensive picture if you’re seeking longer-term development and scalability.

2) Use Simple Architecture

Scalability Challenges In IoT

Second, adopting the correct architecture for your project from the outset leads to more minor complications in the future.

Moreover, it’s crucial to select a solution that has the end in mind, and MQTT versus REST is the choice you’ll have to make.

Adopting the MQTT protocol’s one-to-many structure could seem like a decent option for smaller applications when it comes to communication between IoT devices.

This is due to its programming complexity, latency and security difficulties, and continual maintenance. In the long run, you should adopt a more simplistic architecture.

Namely, a REST API delivers various advantages to developers, including simplicity of use, enhanced security, and increased scalability.

3) Incorporate A Decentralized AEP Platform- Scalability In IoT

Third, quickly scale up your IoT project utilizing a decentralized IoT Application Enablement Platform (AEP) (AEP).

To understand its virtues, let’s look at the alternative. A ‘traditional’ AEP solution, such as lAWS IoT or Microsoft Azure, transfers data between IoT devices through the cloud.

So, for a client to communicate with the machine, data must flow to an external centralized database and be temporarily stored there.

This isn’t excellent for device security. Even if data is encrypted from client to database and from database to device, the data saved in the database is still exposed to cyber-attacks.

Yugasa Software Labs
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