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Swaraj 963 Price, Mileage, Key specifications in India 2022 - Tractorgyan

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Swaraj 963 Price, Mileage, Key specifications in India 2022 - Tractorgyan

Which tractor comes to your mind when we talk about the big tractor? Swaraj might not have come to your mind. Swaraj 963 FE Tractor has given Swaraj Company a place in the large category of tractors.

Swaraj has left no chance to make her entry in the big tractor bang. Tell you about Swaraj 963FE Tractor and we will see how different this tractor is from other tractors of this category?!

Swaraj has tried to make this tractor completely different from its old model and in this Swaraj has been successful to a great extent.

Swaraj 963 Fe Tractor Looks like Swaraj 855 Tractor and Swaraj 960 TractorA different design has been given. By the way, the company has not made any changes to its colour.

Coming to the looks, it gets around wrap halogen light as well as a very beautiful metallic branding of Swaraj on the bonus which makes it look premium. When viewed from the side, it has a 5-star sticker showing the identity and trust of Swaraj Company in the farmers since 1974. The wheelbase of 2210mm is a full 160mm more than the 855 and the length of 3730mm of this tractor makes it bigger and stronger to look at. Talking about its engine, it has an engine of 3478cc, with 3 cylinders. Which operates at 2100rpm engine rated speed. Not only this, with a water-cooled engine, a dry-type air cleaner with a bigger radiator makes it better in its category.

Now let's go to the seat and see what is new in Swaraj 963 Fe Tractor!

Its seat is quite comfortable and can be folded back and forth according to your need. Its platform is quite large which makes it easy to get down and climb. Along with the place of keeping the bottle behind the seat, the option of mobile charging has also been given in it.

Along with the oil meter, battery meter, diesel meter in its dashboard, it also has an indicator to step on the clutch. When viewed from the side, the ST sticker is seen in it. This shows that this tractor has been given a synchromesh transmission which makes it easy to change gears and also reduces the noise caused by it. It has 12 forward and 2 reverse gears. Which comes with high medium-low. power steering in

For which separate oil has also been given in it. This Swaraj 963 Fe Tractor has a double-clutch which makes it very easy to operate the PTO powered implement. Not only this, oil-immersed brakes have been given in it, whose maintenance cost is very less. In this, a differential lock has also been given under the seat so that both the wheels can be rotated at the same speed when the tractor is stuck. By the way, recently Swaraj has also brought out its 4 wheel drive model which is considered to be the best for such a place.

One feature that has been given quite well in it is its Toggle Switch. This allows setting the lift depth once and getting the same depth back without having to set the depth again.

Now let's talk about its PTO and lift. It has been given multispeed PTO, 540 and 540economy which can be operated with this lever. By the way, the option of reverse PTO has also been given in it, which can rotate the PTO on both sides. Not only this, but the tractor also has an independent PTO clutch, which allows for easy switching on and off of the PTO.

2 dc valves have also been provided in this Swaraj 963 FE tractor so that implements like MB plough, laser leveller can be connected. Along with this, its lift can lift a weight of up to 2200kg which makes it better than other tractors. Unlike its other tractors, Swaraj has given an easy hitch lever, which makes it very easy to implement and there is no need to go forward to lift the lift again and again. How much power the tractor will exert depends a lot on the tyre. Front tire 7 50 16 and rear tire 16 9 28 are given in this tractor.

From our experience today, this tractor is good looking, powerful and loaded with new features. Talking about its look in a few words, people will not be able to live without seeing it from where this tractor will come out. Otherwise, if you are thinking of getting a bigger tractor, then you should see this tractor once.

Now it comes to Swaraj 963 price. Its ex-showroom price is around 770,000, which can be said to be very good in terms of features. How did you like this review of ours tell us by commenting which tractor you want to review next?

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