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Swaraj Tractor Price With Specifications in India

Swaraj Tractor Price With Specifications in India

A tractor is a valuable asset for any farmer, and it has a prominent role in their livelihood. Therefore, they must use high quality and efficient tractors. This is where Swaraj comes into play. It is a renowned brand for providing best in class farming products. Thus, it has been a popular choice among farmers. Swaraj offers more than 20 models in India with HP ranging from 15 to 75 HP.

Here, we will discuss a popular Swaraj tractor model.

A. Swaraj 744 XT

The Swaraj 744 XT is a 2WD tractor which comes with a powerful 3-cylinder engine and has the capacity of 3478 CC to generate 2000 Engine rated RPM. Moreover, it has a dual-clutch and constant mesh transmission with 8 forward and 2 reverse gears. In addition, the braking system of this tractor is equipped with multi-disk oil-immersed brakes and power steering to ensure proper driving control. It also has 44 PTO HP with 6 splines for the effortless operation of implements. 

This Swaraj tractor has a huge fuel tank capacity of 60 litres and 1700 kg hydraulic capacity, which can fulfil all your farming requirements.

This tractor is priced between ₹ 6.98 - 7.50 lakh in India.

For more information regarding tractors and other farming equipment, stay tuned with TractorGuru.

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