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Tata Intra V10 Pickup Model With Features And Overview

Bhavesh sharma
Tata Intra V10 Pickup Model With Features And Overview

The Tata Intra V10 Pickup is a powerful pickup that is better suited to commercial applications. This pickup model is potent, reliable, robust and provides the most efficient power output in transportation operations. The engine of the Tata Intra V10 pickup is built with cutting-edge technological solutions that deliver excellent working efficiency along with low fuel consumption. 

Moreover, some of the key features make the Tata Intra one of the best pickups in the commercial vehicle segment. Along with this, if you require complete information about its features and price, then check out the section below.

Highlighted Points About Tata Intra V10 Pickup

  • This pickup model is manufactured with 4750 MM of minimum turning radius 175 MM of ground clearance and 2250 MM of wheelbase. 

  • It comes with 2 cylinders and a DI engine that delivers outstanding mileage in the transportation works. 

  • The engine capacity of this model is 798 CC, and it provides 44 HP engine power. 

  • It has disc and drum brakes with parking brakes that provide excellent grip on the road. 

  • This pickup has a rigid axle with leaf springs, type both front axle and rear axle.

  • The GVW of this model is 2120 Kg, and it generates 110 Nm of maximum torque. 

  • The steering type of this pickup is electric power-assisted steering that delivers fast response in the working place. 

  • The payload capacity of this truck is 1000 Kg that can easily carry a massive load from one place to another. 

  • The Tata Intra V10 pickup price range is between Rs. 6.32 Lakhs* - Rs. 6.52 Lakhs*.

We hope you like this information. However, if you require more information about trucks, used trucks, mini trucks, specifications, prices, images and many more, please visit Truck Junction. 

Bhavesh sharma
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