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A Complete Ferrari Care: Major, Minor & Periodic Service

A Complete Ferrari Care: Major, Minor & Periodic Service

Understanding car servicing might be difficult for folks who aren't mechanically inclined. When you take your car to the mechanic, though, you should know the essentials. You want to make sure it's in good working order in terms of safety and operation, and you also want to know what's happening to your car while it's there. 

Ferrari timely maintenance is dependent on how the automobile was driven; for example, if the car is driven in the city, it is subjected to increased pressure due to constant starting and stopping. Despite the basic servicing, it frequently leads to additional work. There are a variety of services to choose from, including: 

Ferrari Major Service: 

A Ferrari care in Dubai covers everything covered in a full service, plus a replacement of fuel filters, a replacement of spark plugs, and various other worn items/services recommended by the manufacturer's standards. This does not include any additional maintenance or repairs. 

The following is a list of recent Ferrari Major Service appointments.

  • Engine repair for Ferrari
  • Check and change the oil in your Ferrari.
  • Inspection of the Ferrari battery 

Ferrari Minor Service:

Minor maintenance often involves a visual examination and oil and filter replacement, as well as the topping up of vital engine fluids such as antifreeze, brake fluid, washer fluid, and steering fluid.

  • Minor Ferrari Services include the following:
  • Valeting and detailing for Ferraris
  • Dyno tuning and chip tuning for Ferrari 4WD
  • Refurbishing Ferrari wheels 

Ferrari Periodic maintenance: 

It entails doing Ferrari timely maintenance activities at predetermined intervals when your vehicle is in use. Periodic maintenance procedures are scheduled in advance and carried out regardless of whether or not indicators of deterioration are visible.

For Busy Schedules, We Have Ferrari Quick Service

  • Removing a Ferrari ding
  • Ferrari scans and diagnoses
  • Pickup and recovery of a Ferrari 


Well! The DAS Center, a Ferrari repair Dubai was established years ago with the goal of making every trip happy and protected for our customers.

The administration is built on trust and integrity, and you will find simplicity and dependability throughout the service time. 

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