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Jobs for Felons - These Companies Hire Felons

hasan johan
Jobs for Felons - These Companies Hire Felons

These Companies Hire Felons - Some find it difficult to find a job with a criminal record. There are jobs for felons. Felons get hired everyday. Those who know what to do, get jobs. Those who do not, get rejected, depressed and some even go back to things that got them into trouble in the fist place.


There are jobs for felons. There are employers who are willing to offer opportunities to those that have criminal records. We have put together this useful information that may help them get hired and put their pasts behind them. It may take just doing something a little differently or finding a whole new method of finding jobs. Whatever it is, we hope that people can pick up things that can help them or someone they know.

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If you find this information useful, pass it on to someone you know who is also having a difficult time finding a job.

Please click the flashing button below. It will take you to a huge list of employers that offer second chance jobs for felons . There are many companies listed on that page who have pledged to have fair hiring practices when it comes to considering jobs for felons. Companies that have signed the pledge are vowing to make things more equal for felons looking for jobs by adopting "Ban-the-Box. This refers to removal of any questions that relate to an applicant's criminal record on employment applications. The removal of the "Have you ever been convicted...." question does not eliminate the background check, but it offers those who’ve been previously convicted of crimes a chance to be considered for jobs. They also agree to not to inquire about criminal records until the applicant is receiving serious consideration for employment. This will allow employers to meet the person behind the application. When this happens, they can focus on the person and their qualifications rather than something that has happened in the past.

Companies that signed the pledge committed to help make things more equal for people with criminal records have also eliminated the "Have you been convicted of a crime" question from applications. This helps ex-offenders and felons by letting more employers to meet qualified applicants before considering their legal status. Employers get a chance to judge the person, not the criminal record.

With a little hope, this will allow employers to focus on all of the positive things that applicants have going for them instead of criminal records.

The law prohibits most private employers from asking question relating to criminal history until after a job offer is made. Within their companies, they also pledge to offer equal opportunity for training and eligibility for these people for advancement. Good Luck!

hasan johan
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