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Metadata Repository (MDR) - Automated Metadata Management Platform

Metadata Repository (MDR) - Automated Metadata Management Platform

Have you ever wondered why some files seem to take forever to download from the web? Or maybe you've noticed that certain websites don't load at all? If you're wondering what metadata is, or why it matters, read on.

Metadata is information about data. For example, metadata might include the name of the file, its size, who created it, where it was uploaded, and other details.

 Metadata helps computers organize and access data efficiently.

Metadata is important because it tells us things about our data. In addition to helping computers organize and access data, metadata also lets us see how our data has changed over time.

This makes it possible to compare old versions of our data with new ones. It's a way for us to keep track of changes in our data without having to re-download everything every time we want to check something out.

Metadata can be stored in many different places. The most common place is within the actual file itself. Another common location is inside an image file. Sometimes, though, we need to store metadata outside of the original file. That's when we use a metadata repository.

A metadata repository stores metadata separately from your files. When you upload a file to a website, the site creates a copy of the file with the same name as the original but adds a special character to indicate that this is a copy.

A metadata repository doesn't do anything like this. Instead, it just keeps track of which files have been copied and which haven't.

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