Several issues can be prevented from developing when you keep your refrigerator in proper working order. It helps in maintaining the health of your family by keeping your food cool. It is understandable if you are worried that you are not able to perform the maintenance on your refrigerator. It is the main appliance having different mechanical parts, including the refrigerant fluid, which is toxic. But, there are a few simple tasks that can help you in preventing refrigerator repair.
1. Keep the Drain Clear
Every refrigerator has a small drain hole for water that condenses on the interior to drain into a drain pan beneath it. If any food particles get lodged in that drain hole, they might quickly become clogged. It may be as simple as removing visible food bits to clear the drain opening. Alternatively, you might use a thin snake, baking soda, and hot water. If required, unplug the refrigerator and remove the vegetable drawer to make access simpler. Then, after using the snake, pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda into the hole, followed by 2 cups of hot water. To correctly direct the hot water, you may need to use a turkey baster.
2. Check the Temperature
The temperature inside your refrigerator should be around 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and the temperature gauge should be set to medium or five degrees Fahrenheit to attain that temperature. Because that gauge is readily knocked out of position, it's a good idea to check it on a regular basis. It's also a good idea to keep a separate internal refrigerator thermometer in your refrigerator. You can then check to see if the temperature gauge is operating properly. Simply place it on the bottom shelf (not in the crisper) near the back of the refrigerator, where it will not be seen.
3. Inspect the Door Seals
Inspect the seals on the rubber door of the unit to make sure that there is a proper seal. Check for any signs of pitting or cracking. The seals on your door should be flexible. Wash the seals with warm water and soap and apply a thin film of petroleum jelly if you come across an issue. It constantly runs, causing excessive condensation on the coils and water overflowing the drain pan if your fridge is not sealed properly. Also, keep in mind that the freezer door seals too.
4. Check the Drain Pan
The drain pan lies under the refrigerator allowing water to condense inside the fridge and drain out for evaporating. Instead of evaporating, the water simply pools under the fridge, eventually leaking out of your drain pan becomes damaged and cracked. Remove the drain pan and check it carefully for any signs of obvious issues. You may even run water into it and check whether it escapes. You need to call in the professionals from a refrigerator repair company to get the issue fixed immediately.
5. Clean the Coils
If your refrigerator's coils are unclean or dusty, the compressor will have to work harder and longer to maintain a consistent freezer temperature. When this happens, the refrigerator may overcool, causing food and beverages to freeze. Because you'll need to switch off your refrigerator and remove a panel to access the condenser coils, this chore is a little more difficult; however, you shouldn't have to clean the coils more than twice a year. Simply use a soft-bristled brush to remove as much debris as possible once the coils have been exposed, then vacuum it up. You can do a pretty thorough job with a narrow nozzle attached to your vacuum.
The main aspect of prolonging the life of your unit is the simple refrigerator maintenance, as it makes sure that the food your family is consuming is cooled down adequately. Maintenance will also prevent issues and costlier repairs.