AI Products 

Trading Psychology

Ana Strat
Trading Psychology

We at AnaStrat are up skilling traders by providing key analytics, trading psychology and critical insights, with our proprietary algorithm, that empowers them to take better trades and improve themselves.

We're not about stock market analytics, but all about behavioral analytics of traders towards market and self-improvisation.

Our algorithm is globally patented for PCT via USPTO.

AnaStrat, a pioneer of Trading Analytics platforms, ideal vision is to enrich the world of traders with unlimited access to governed data so that they can tackle the challenges and opportunities of today and enjoy the possibilities of improved profitability tomorrow”. AnaStrat’s Data Cloud unique capabilities allow users from across the globe access the platform that will provide them with a cohesive automated suite and ensure traders harness the full potential of DL/ML technology. Our traders will be able to unite their siloed data points, securely share governed data, learn from the critical insights that platform manifests and execute improved strategies. Through the partnership with all leading brokers, we look forward to helping every trader become insightful data-driven“.

Ana Strat
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