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Construction Site Accidents Lawyer NYC

Godosky Gentile
Construction Site Accidents Lawyer NYC

Godosky & Gentile is a renowned Construction Site Accidents Lawyer in NYC. having attorneys who are thought leaders in their field. They carefully monitor each case, delving into its details and understanding the requirements of the employees, to ensure that the relatives of those who have been hurt or killed receive justice. They understand the demands of the workers and how much compensation they require because of their years of expertise.

At Godosky & Gentile, we are knowledgeable and skilled in personal injury and related litigation for New York City and throughout the surrounding area. We can work to hold parties responsible for any injury you have suffered.

In addition to medical malpractice, premises liability, construction and work-related accidents and motor vehicle accidents, we also take on a number of other personal injury cases, including:

Products Liability (including, defective construction or auto/truck parts)

Police Misconduct (false arrest, assault-related injuries, police shootings)

Business Litigation/Disputes

Sexual Harassment

Wrongful Death Claims

Personal Service And Responsive Staff

We pride ourselves on giving personal attention to our clients and being responsive to their needs. This is just as important to us as the quality of our legal representation.

Our lawyers do not take a volume of cases, but rather we are selective and take a few so that each client receives more attention. At Godosky & Gentile, we work as a team and make sure you get the answers you need.

Some of our notable cases in personal injury and litigation have included:

$25 million verdict for a Brooklyn man who was shot and claimed excessive force by a New York City police officer.

$3 million verdict in favor of an 11-year-old child falsely arrested and maliciously prosecuted by the New York City Housing Authority.

$2.75 million settlement on behalf of the family of a man killed in an airline crash.

Our results speak to our experience and skill. Read more about our successful verdicts and settlements here.

Free Initial Consultations

If you would like an attorney to evaluate your claim, call Godosky & Gentile directly at 212-742-9700, or contact us online today. We serve clients in the Bronx, Brooklyn and across the entire tri-state area.

Godosky Gentile
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