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5 Things To Keep In Mind For Planning An Online Business

American Web Designers Inc
5 Things To Keep In Mind For Planning An Online Business

Today websites have become a norm and necessity for businesses all around the world. The next generations are searching for things online more they are searching for them in local markets. The local markets are mostly being left for wholesale purchases, and even that is quickly changing. Whether you are a service provider or a merchandise seller, you definitely need a website if you want to expand your business online. Expanding your business online could be a game-changer for any business as the expense is peanuts compared to starting a real office or brick and mortar store but the potential is unlimited. If you don’t have any experience with web technologies, you can hire a service provider like American Web Designer INC.

But just like a physical business, an online business needs to be planned because if you don’t do your due diligence, you may end up regretting it. There are many aspects that require a lot of thought and focus but to start, we will share 5 aspects that are vital to your online business. There are the steps that are the very foundation of conducting business online. These 5 aspects apply to every type of business platform. If you plan and execute the below-mentioned 5 steps right, there is nothing that can stop your business from succeeding online.


The platform you choose needs to be the balance between your needs and your budget. The platform will be the base of your project. If your company is big and deals with a lot of information that you may want to keep private then opting for a customized project developed from scratch can be the right choice for you. This is the type of online project that is the most expensive but if you have the budget for it, it can deliver the highest potential.

Besides customized solutions, you can also choose third-party service providers like BigCommerce, Shopify, or Magento. These are good options but you will be limited to their rules and shortcomings. They are not bad options at all, because for very small limits you will get a very big relief in regards to cost.

The ideal option for new startups and small to mid-sized businesses is WordPress. As the solution is free and open-source, hence your expense will only be limited to the development team, instead of any third-party solutions.

Look And Feel

The design, visual graphics, the sales copy are very important because these are the aspects that will help your business sell the products. The design needs to be easy to navigate while visual graphics needs to be attractive, appealing, inviting, and related to your industry. You will have to carefully pick and choose the looks of your business as it will highly impact your sales.

Your written sales copy needs to be very communicative and influential to the reader that they would want to buy or at least try your product. Through communication in your sales copy, you need to gain the reader’s trust and make them feel smart for buying your product.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of maintaining your website upon the strict rules of all the major web search engines, mainly “Google.” Google is the primary gateway for people to search for websites resources, products, or services online. That is why it is mandatory that your website needs to be completely optimized for the platform. You will have to keep updating your website with new useful information about your products, services, or industry. This will make sure that Google keeps on ranking your website on the most relevant and popular search terms in your industry.

The standards of SEO are many, Google has over 200 standards that it uses to judge and rank your website. But the most common factors you can focus on are page loading speed, the byte size of the page, SEO-optimized copyrighting, and backlinks. These are some of the most common and most effective factors for improving the SEO of your website.


Expandability is important because there is always room for innovation for a business. There are 2 main functions of every business, they are innovation and marketing. Therefore, your website needs to be ready to expand in any way. You need to keep spending your website through knowledge, ideas, tips, tricks, insights, products, services, and anything you can think of to expand the scope of your website while staying relevant to your niche. This is beneficial for SEO, discoverability, and a potential increase in sales.

Development Company

If you run a business, you won’t have time to learn a new skill and develop your business website by yourself. Therefore, you will need to hire the right digital services company. Hiring a digital services company has a checklist of its own things that you need to consider. To save your time in searching for the right company, we have a recommendation for you. We recommend you to contact American Web Designer INC, they are one of the most recommended digital services companies we know and their expertise is proven by the projects they have finished along with the testimonials they have received.

American Web Designers Inc
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