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Westjet Airline Flight Cancellation

Westjet Airline Flight Cancellation

Plans can change at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, and passengers must cancel their plans. For the convenience of passengers, Westjet Airlines has developed the Westjet Airline Flight Cancellation policy. It is a no-hassle policy.

The Westjet Airline Flight Cancellation Policy is straightforward and simple, stating that if a passenger cancels their airline reservations within 24 hours of the flight ticket being booked, they will be entitled to a full refund.

All passengers who purchased airline tickets with Economy, Economy Flex, Business Flex, or Premium Flex must pay cancellation fees to Westjet Airlines after the 24 hour grace period, according to the Westjet Airline Flight Cancellation policy.

The following are the Westjet Airline flight cancellation fees:

Passengers with Economy Tickets must pay a fee of 50 to 59 CAD at Westjet Airlines.

Passengers with Economy Flex tickets must pay fees ranging from 25 to 30 CAD when flying with Canada.

Passengers who purchased a Business Flex ticket must pay a cancellation fee ranging from $100 to 118 CAD.

Aside from these policies, if you continue to have problems, please contact our westjet airlines customer service team at our phone number by calling them. You must dial the Westjet Airline Flight Cancellation number –, and our team will return your call as soon as possible. Our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to assist you in the best way possible.

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