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The Ultimate Android Guide to Deciding Which Version is Best for You

Kristi Ray
The Ultimate Android Guide to Deciding Which Version is Best for You

With so many different Android versions available, it can be hard to decide which one you should pick up and use on your phone or tablet. The truth is that the different versions are very similar in their functionality and user interface design, but they do each offers their own unique features that might benefit you depending on what kind of things you plan to do with your project when deciding to hire android developers or how tech-savvy you are.

– Technology and features

In newer versions of Android, you’ll find advanced technology and features that help make life easier. The operating system is designed to be smarter than previous versions, which means it will use less battery and get your device ready for your needs in advance. For example, in Oreo 8.1, fingerprint scanners are launched with just a tap or two instead of requiring users to swipe first, saving precious seconds every time you turn on your phone or tablet.

– Hardware specifications

Some devices come with top-of-the-line processors and premium build materials. If your budget allows, you can go all out with a state-of-the-art device. But if money’s tight, you may want to hold off on some of these premium features; they won’t make a difference in how your phone performs day in and day out. Fortunately, there are plenty of mid-range options that do most of what high-end devices do without breaking your budget.

– Operating System Versions

There are four main versions of Android, each with its own pros and cons. When choosing which version is best for you, consider these things: what version came on your phone? What kind of network coverage do you get in your area? What type of apps do you want to run? Do you have access to a variety of devices and controllers or just one device or controller in particular? If there are any services (like Google Play) that work better with a specific operating system, keep that in mind.

– Privacy Concerns

It’s no secret that Google collects a ton of data on its users. They claim they use it to deliver better-tailored ads, but users have called foul. However, there are things you can do on most versions of Android to keep your private stuff private. Most notably, you can enable two-factor authentication (2FA) and lock down your permissions settings in an effort to stave off nosy neighbors—and Google itself. 

– Personalization

Why Android app development has a leg up on Apple’s offerings, a more customizable OS means more of your phone feels like it’s yours. It also makes it easier to connect with friends and family who may use an entirely different platform—the last thing you want at family dinner is an argument about which phone OS reigns supreme. – Customization: iOS does allow some customization, but it’s nowhere near as robust as what you can do with Android. If you really love to personalize every aspect of your device, then iOS probably isn’t for you. But if that doesn’t bother you, then go ahead and stick with what works best for you! For most people, however, Android will likely feel more comfortable from day one.

– Security Concerns

Jelly Bean and KitKat offer enhanced security, which may be important if you use your phone or tablet to store sensitive information. If you’re concerned about privacy, go with Jelly Bean or KitKat. – Device Support: Both versions of Android are supported by most devices. However, if you have an older device that can’t run Jelly Bean or KitKat, stick with Ice Cream Sandwich—it has wider support than any other version of Android. Older devices running Gingerbread can also still receive updates from Google Play Services.


If you’re trying to decide between Android versions, there are a few things you should know. First and foremost, it’s not worth taking drastic measures like waiting months or years in order to get your hands on a device running a new version of Android. Instead, think about what features you want most from your phone—and which android app developer can deliver the best result. In some cases, that might mean sticking with an older version of Android; in others, it might mean jumping right into something brand-new. Either way, make sure to weigh all of your options before making a decision—your next smartphone could be just around the corner!

Get more understanding on Ultimate Android Guide; stay reading.

Kristi Ray
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