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How can I start to learn Web Development ? | Sunflowee biztech

How can I start to learn Web Development ? | Sunflowee biztech

How can I start learning web development? Is it easy? And how can I keep up with the rearmost web designing technologies? 

These are the questions that appear in every freshman’s mind. There's also confusion between web designing and web development, but we’ll talk about web development.


You'll learn the conception with the whole details about the effect of that literacy. You'll see each different kind of effect that developed day by day and when you'll observe it, you want to do it yourself which emphasizes you to learn further day by day. You'll be always engaged with the field you're working on.


Stages to follow 

Stage 1 – HTML HTML, you have heard about it lots of times ahead. If I'm not wrong HTML is the language you have learned in your academic life. Yes, it’s actually the same as what you have learned a long time agone but as long as time changes technologies are changing.

Currently, as you have grown up, indeed HTML has been grown over too, now there's called HTML5 which comes into actuality. What? Upset about what's it? Don’t be.

I just said that as we've grown up HTML has grown over too but the difference between us and HTML is, that it changed its name to HTML5. In HTML5, you can't just prepare the introductory structure of the web runner but we've numerous further effects that we can do.

We can store and process values on variables on the runner itself without any databases as we do in any programming languages (Temporary variables), we can develop games on it. No need for the flash to play robustness on it. Indeed we can develop a completely functional blog with HTML4 itself without any help from garçon- side scripting languages. 

 Sources to learn 

 • GeeksforGeeks 

• W3school 

 • TutorialsPoint 

 • HTML5-Tutorial 

 Stage 2 – CSS

We live in such a society where everybody wants to look enough, and beautiful, to achieve this everyone does makeup. Also, CSS does for HTML. CSS creates beauty on HTML runners.

With the help of CSS, you can make your web runner various and smooth. You can indeed produce robustness using CSS. You can add transitions, change the scrolling events of your runners, mouse click events, and numerous further. But as HTML changes to HTML5, CSS also has been changed to CSS3. 

 Sources to learn 

 • GeeksforGeeks 

 • W3school 

 • CSS3 Tutorials 

• the Tutorials Republic 

 • CodeAcademy 

Stage 3 – You have learned what your point will look like, you have designed the beauty of your runner yet. Now, it turns out to produce some useful tasks that your web runner rudiments will do when some conditioning are performed on your web runners like button click events, mouse over any textbook, playing and breaking some robustness on the runner, etc. With the help of JAVASCRIPT, you can do that fluently.

One of the stylish scripting languages used to make a web runner more smooth, flexible, and platform-independent is javascript. It’s not that easy to learn but whatever you learned at an easy position, will be enough to do your all tasks. 

 Source to learn 

• GeeksforGeeks 

 • W3school 

 • CodeAcademy 

 • TutorialsPoint 

• Edx.org 

 Stage 4 – BOOTSTRAP

Remember the term Responsive? Okay, let me explain to you what exactly a responsive website means. Responsive websites development are those spots that change their element alignments, and distance according to the screen size of the device it's browsing.

This is the technology called Bootstrap which makes it easier to design a responsive website. Bootstrap is an open-source frontal-end frame that works with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design responsive websites for your laptops, tablets, and mobile bias. 

 Sources to learn 

 • GeeksforGeeks 

• W3school 

 • TutorialsPoint 

 • the Tutorials Republic 

 • CodeAcademy 

 Stage 5 – PHP

Up to now, you have learned about what your web runner will look like, and how the interface of your web runner druggies will face. How it reacts grounded upon the stoner’s exertion but only at the customer machine.

But currently, we have a workshop of a lot perform on the aft end of our web runner called garçon. So too the law on the garçon- side, we need garçon- side scripting language which is PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor).

We've also numerous another garçon- side scripting languages are there likeAsp.net, JSP, etc but PHP is one of the easiest and most habituated garçon- side scripting languages. 

Today, Sunflowee biz tech is recognized among the topmost software development companies and we owe it to our clients and team. We believe in building a door from where we can see our client’s success, consequently ours. 

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