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Travel Trailer Financing

Travel Trailer Financing

An RV loan is a type of long-term financing used to purchase a motorhome, Travel Trailer or camper. The cost of an RV can range from as little as $10,000 to more than $1 million, so most RV buyers rely on financing.

While an RV loan is typically specific to the purchase or refinance of a recreational vehicle, it works like any other consumer loan. A financial institution or lender provides the funds for the purchase, and you pay back the money with interest over a specified time frame.

Canco Consulting can help you find the right financial program that suits your needs.

Once you fill out your application and provide us with your loan documents we will review them free of charge and forward them to our finance companies for approval. All loans made with us are 100% guaranteed.

Canco Consulting deals with finance companies that lend based on your assets as collateral instead of your credit score. This means that you can use your paid-out assets like a vehicle, mobile home, home, truck, RV, or any other collateral to secure your loan.

Our mission is to help Canadians obtain secured loans as quickly as possible and make the whole lending process easier for borrowers.

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