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Are you facing issues related to hyperpigmentation? Did you find the solution to eliminate it?

Sana Khan
Are you facing issues related to hyperpigmentation? Did you find the solution to eliminate it?

There are several types of skin issues that we all have to face, starting with acnes to freckles, dryness, etc. Even though these inflammations, microbial infections, and others can be treated using medicines, you can find that they leave behind some scars most times. Apart from this, you can also find dark spots developing over your face in local areas. This skin condition is known as hyperpigmentation, where the skin color will start to darken but in certain areas only, almost in the form of patches.

Hyperpigmentation can happen for several reasons, starting from inflammation to excessive exposure to UV radiation, melanoma, etc. Owing to this, treatment of this problem needs to be done at the best cosmetic clinic in Mumbai. Even though there are clinical solutions available to treat these skin conditions, most times, doctors suggest opting for non-evasive treatments. If you aren't aware of the same, we have discussed some of the best ways to deal with hyperpigmentation in the below section.

Keeping your skin hydrated

One of the best ways to keep your skin free of hyperpigmentation marks is regular moisturization. You must ensure that the skin cells are hydrated so that they won't become dry or start forming cracks. Besides, dry skin cells cannot maintain the melatonin concentration at the optimal level, which further causes dark spots to appear. So, using a skin-friendly moisturizer will be of great help. It locks in the moisture and does not block the pores.

No puncturing of acne and other inflamed areas

Never puncture those blisters with your fingers or prick them with any sharp object when you are getting acne, pimples, or even a small mosquito bite. It will create a scar and might lead to hyperpigmentation. Thus, you should keep your hands away from those inflamed areas.

Avoid skin products having bleaching agents

Sometimes, skin products meant to lighten the area can bleach the skin and kill the external layer of cells. This will cause localized hyperpigmentation, and it is very hard to remove. This is why you must ensure that the products you are using don't have any trace of bleaching compound.


You must consult with the best dermatologist to know whether the hyperpigmentation can be treated with normal medicines and ointments or you need to undergo any laser treatment. Usually, surgeries and lasers are permanent forms of hyperpigmentation removal, but they are invasive and thus, must be considered as the last resort.

To know more: https://kbcclinics.com/

Sana Khan
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