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Student Visa To Permanent Resident Canada

Paul Abraham
Student Visa To Permanent Resident Canada

  To obtain PR, a study in Canada

International students enrolled in Canada can apply for permanent residence status in Canada while they are studying or after they have completed their studies, as long as they meet the requirements of the Canadian immigration plan for which they are applying. The process of simultaneously applying for a Canada study visa and Canadian permanent residence status is known as "dual-purpose," and it is common and legal in Canada.

There are a number of low-cost study options available. Many low-cost study programmes are available at Canadian universities and colleges for interested students to complete their education and obtain permanent residency in Canada after completing a one-year term.

How do I get PR in Canada after finishing my studies?

One of the best ways to obtain permanent residency after completing a one-year study programme is to apply for a Post Graduate Work Permit. 

To read more: visit here

Paul Abraham
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