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Best Canada visa consultancy in Hyderabad

Ramesh Kumar
Best Canada visa consultancy in Hyderabad


501, 5th Floor, Sai Tirumala Towers,

Hyderguda, Basheerbagh Main Road,

Hyderabad 500029

Phone No: +91 7013712590


[email protected]


AGACS PVT LTD is the Best Canada visa consultant in Hyderabad and will always handhold each and every client toward their dream destination. Canada PR is the best alternative for people living in India. Canadian PR has multiple benefits such as financial security, job, security, tax, and many more. Our services encompass Canada immigration visas, PR Visa through Express Entry and Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), Spouse Visa, Visitor Visa, and Work Permit in Canada. As your trusted Visa & Immigration Consultants in Hyderabad, we are here to make your Canada immigration journey a reality.

 Owing to the growing fascination for immigration and widespread overseas movement of people throughout the globe, the concept of immigration has found wide acceptance. With the development, the role of professional immigration visa consultants has become quite crucial. Common immigration and visa aspirants look for trusted immigration and visa consultation that can help them guide and navigate through the choppy and difficult visa-submission procedure, in a better and fruitful manner.

Ideally fitting into the picture is AGACS PVT LTD- Advanced Global Agile Consultancy Services, a company that primarily is into the business of Visa Consulting, Project Consulting&Staffing for individuals, SME’S and enterprises. The visa consulting services offered by AGACS are unique on its own kind where we assess the need of the clients and help them by give a much-needed in-depth analysis of the visa product they wish to pursue. “We are specialized in USA, CANADA & AUSTRALIA visas inclusive of PR’S, Business, Visits, Student Visas & Work Permits etc. We also specialize in L1 (New offices & Intra Company Transferee’s) & I (Media Visa). We have helped several business open new branches in the United States and also processed multiple cases for eligible Intra Company Transferee’s on Executive & Manager capacity,” mentions Chandrashekar Talla, Director, AGACS PVT LTD.

AGACS real time agile approach to prioritization helps to eliminate risks first and thus accelerating opportunity qualification. The practices are very unique and they engage with the clients, right from vision till exit.

Ramesh Kumar
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