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Troutman Rocking Chairs

Rocking Chairs
Troutman Rocking Chairs

Troutman Rocking Chairs built by craftsmen, using methods passed down thru the generations. Starting with quality Oak, each chair is hand made and finished to your color choice of stain, or paint. No glue and No nails are used in the manufacturing and assembly of our frames, which carry a lifetime warranty.

Furniture Made in USA Flat Top Wood Works2620 Hwy 64 E

Mocksville, NC 27028




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Troutman rocking chairs, Classic Shaker Rocker is a medium-sized Shaker-style rocking chair with a higher back for support. The care that Troutman Chair takes in making their rockers shows in their prices, which is cost-effective and constructed using Shaker methods of inner locking joinery, and swelled joint construction, no nails or screws are used. These rockers are made to last for generations, big and small, 5 sizes to choose from. Troutman Rocking Chairs built by craftsmen, using methods passed down thru the generations.

Rocking Chairs
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