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How to Secure Senior Secondary Admission for Your Child in India’s Leading Schools

GD Goenka World School
How to Secure Senior Secondary Admission for Your Child in India’s Leading Schools

It is common for students in India to seek admission to a new school at the senior secondary level. The motivations for doing so are varied. However, when you help your child make crucial decisions about his or her education, including decisions related to admissions to a new school, it is important to know how to secure admissions. 

The country’s leading schools include India international school, public and private schools, and CBSE schools. As such, students have many choices of schools at the senior secondary level; and making the right choice often requires some research into various schools.  

Furthermore, it is important to know what to look for in India’s leading schools when seeking class 11 admissions for 2022-2023 for your child. Read further for information on the admissions process at India’s best schools, and the qualities to look for in a school most suitable for your child’s senior secondary education. 

Securing Admissions at the Senior Secondary Level 

As mentioned prior, it is common for students to seek out admission to a new school at the senior secondary level. According to a leading India international school, this move is often motivated by the need for a better faculty and advanced teaching in the stream of their choice. 

At the senior secondary level, students in India choose an area of study that sets the course for all future academic endeavors. The choices vary between arts, science, and commerce. Class 11 admissions for 2022-2023 will have many students taking their pick of subjects to study, and many students will also seek admissions to new schools. 

The admission process is neither long drawn out nor complicated. The top CBSE schools for class 11 in Gurgaon and other areas in the National Capital Region often ensure that registration for admissions and the submission of relevant documents can be done online. The primary criteria for accepting a student at the senior secondary level is the age of the candidate. Some schools prioritize: 

  • Siblings of current students 
  • Siblings of former students 
  • Students based on application date order 

Post-registration and acceptance of admission applications, students and parents are often interviewed one-on-one by the principal. Simultaneously students are inducted into the school at this stage, post paying all applicable fees. The admissions at any international school in India are more or less similar, with admission times slightly differing. 

What to Look for in the Best Schools for Higher Secondary Education 

  • Convenient location for the daily commute to and from school 
  • Efficient transportation facilities 
  • Ideal student-teacher ratio 
  • Affordable fees 
  • Alumni success 
  • Constructive extracurricular activities 
  • Academic excellence 
  • Effective teaching methodologies 

Q: Where are the best CBSE schools for the 11th standard?

A: The leading CBSE schools for the 11th grade are concentrated in and around urban areas in India, including small and major cities. 

Q: What is the admission fee for class 11 in leading CBSE schools?

A: The admission fee for class 11 in India’s top CBSE schools varies from region to region. 

GD Goenka World School
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