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200 hour yoga teacher training in goa

200 hour yoga teacher training in goa

The Bhakti-Yogshala provides a variety of residential programmes, including a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa and a Better Living Yoga Retreat. With TYI, you may enjoy a peaceful vacation and participate in a variety of holistic yoga immersions.

TTC 200 is a 26-day basic yoga teacher training programme that prepares/certifies individuals for teaching yoga to typical healthy adults and school children. Every month, the first day of this yoga teacher training course is held. It addresses both the theoretical and practical elements of Yoga..

Asanas, Pranayamas, Kriyas, Methodology and Lesson Planning, Public Speaking, Dietary and Yoga Hygiene, Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Communication and Teaching Skills are all included in the course. The course also includes an introduction to Hatha Yoga and a study of chosen Yoga Sutras.

In addition to the aforementioned, the founder of our institute's unique approaches and concepts are also taught to the pupils. For this reason, the instructors in our yoga teacher training  Goa, India, are well-versed in the subject matter they teach.

Students who successfully complete the teacher training programme are given a certificate. On the last day of the course, students who successfully completed the examinations are rewarded with a certificate of completion.

Bhakti-Yogshla is devoted to the idea of incorporating yoga into one's daily routine. Additionally, students are encouraged to embrace the philosophy of yoga as a way of life and a science of awareness at the Institute. An annual 200-hour yoga teacher training course takes place at the Bhakti Yoga Center. It provides students with the necessary training and certification to teach and lead yoga courses for healthy adults and children in their everyday environments. You only need a teacher education course to start your own courses and make a difference in the lives of others. A new 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training programme begins on the first of every month and lasts for 26 days. You must finish this course as part of your initial certification as a teacher educator.

As a result of this approach, the course covers both the practical and theoretical components of yoga. It will start from the beginning, such the history and backdrop of Yoga. Additionally, you'll be given instruction in asanas, pranayamas, and kriyas as well as a thorough understanding of the benefits, drawbacks, and precautions associated with each. As part of our preparation for you to be an effective teacher, we will train you in classroom management. We'll assist you with class design, technique, and public speaking training, as well as talks on proper eating and yoga hygiene basics. Scientific and traditional knowledge, as well as the fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, are used to support all of the content.

The greatest yoga teacher training in India may be found at this yoga school, which offers yoga courses in goa and rishikesh. Your yoga practise will benefit from the strategies and practises you learn here. They will also assist in eradicating the underlying causes of bodily and psychological ailments. As a result, you'll be able to see the way to a more serene, steady, and focused mental state. We've put a lot of time and effort into study since we're the oldest yoga institute in the world. To further simplify the practises of Yoga, we have been able to retain its essence and advantages. We think that yoga principles may be applied to our daily lives in a meaningful way. Such a strategy can only benefit our quality of life.

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