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Waxing at Home vs Waxing at a Salon

Sanjeev Singhai
Waxing at Home vs Waxing at a Salon

When it comes to waxing, there are several options that you can choose from: you can visit a salon in Mumbai, or you can do it at home. Many people choose to get it done at the salon because they prefer not to get too intimate with their waxing technician and find the whole experience more relaxing than doing it at home. Both options have definite benefits, but which one is the best? Find out in this article that compares waxing at home vs getting it done at the salon!


How it is done at salons


Before you get waxed, your technician will prepare your skin by cleaning it and removing any dead skin cells with lotion. Your hair will then be removed. The process is usually painless, but some people say it feels like an elastic band being pulled against their skin. The wax can be left on for up to half an hour and may need to be reheated during that time, depending on how quickly it cools down. It is then removed with cloth strips or sticky tape, followed by a post-wax rubdown or lotion application to soothe any discomfort. You might also have to wait about three weeks before getting another wax if you have coarse hair. That’s because coarse hair tends to grow back faster than fine hair. If you want to go back sooner, consider shaving instead of waxing. Shaving doesn’t give as smooth of a result as waxing, though, and it won’t last as long either.


Waxing by yourself


If you’re planning to wax your legs at home, make sure you go over them with an emery board or pumice stone beforehand. You can also ask your salon for its favourite home-waxing tips and tricks. Next, get yourself some high-quality wax. It’s important to use professional-grade hair removal wax because products made specifically for sensitive areas contain no added fragrances or essential oils (which can cause irritation) and are less likely to stick to your skin. Also, make sure you buy clear, not white, wax—it dries better and doesn’t stain your sheets or clothes!


Final Thoughts


If you are looking for an easy and painless way to get rid of unwanted hair, waxing is what you want. It’s safe for most skin types, easily customizable and offers a longer-lasting result than shaving or using depilatory creams. Whether you prefer your hair removed from your legs, underarms or bikini area, waxing allows women and men to style their bodies however they want. Whether you want to wax at home or get it done professionally at a salon in Mumbai, it's up to your choice.


Sanjeev Singhai
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