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New Law to Ease Entry and Retention of International Students in Finland

Jeduka Helpdesk
New Law to Ease Entry and Retention of International Students in Finland

Finland wants to attract significantly more international experts. Therefore it has made some of the major amendments to Ease Entry and Retention of International Students in Finland. Under a new law, students and their family members arriving in Finland from abroad will obtain a residence permit for the entire duration of their studies. The new law will also increase the international students’ employment opportunities after graduation. However, students will still be responsible for their livelihood throughout their residency.

Residence Permit for the Entire Duration of Studies

Under the new amendment, the type of permit for students studying at higher education institutions will change from temporary (B) to continuous (A). This will make it simpler for international students to get a permanent residence permit. They need not apply for the extension of the permit and focus on their studies. The family members of the student will also be allowed to receive a continuous (A) permit. 

Increase in Work Hours during Studies

International students’ right to work during their studies in Finland will also increase from an average of 25 hours to 30 hours a week. This will give opportunities to international students to earn more and pay for their study expenses. Smoothing the roadway for international students to enter the workforce is in line with an effort to fill skills gaps in the economy of Finland.

Graduates to have Easier Access to Jobs

In the legislative reform, those who are holding a jobseeker's permit, which is granted to those who have completed a degree and to researchers who have completed their research, will be extended from 1 year to 2 years. The permit would not need to be used immediately. You can apply for it within five years of the expiration of the residence permit. With absolute permit practices, the Government wants to make it easier for international students and researchers to stay in Finland. 

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