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Best motorbike riding boots.

Best motorbike riding boots.

Best motorbike riding boots.

Best motorbike boots This is the motorcycling rider boot you need if you are on the road for several hours at a stretch. With your trouser ends tucked into the boot-neck you will be safe from hazards like flying grit hot and or pebbles.

Motorcycle boots With the standard water-resistant version water from mountain streams or puddles will simply run off the exterior of the rider boot without wetting your feet inside. This is a 12” high rider boot fitted with a light reflector shin and ankle guard at the heel side for added safety.

Best rider boots reflector material attached on the rear side to enhance visibility in dim/dark areas. EVA plate on the shin to protect from impact against loos flying objects. Thick leather coated around the ankle for impact and torsion resistance.

With motorcycles being the most common mode of transport for millions of people, we at ORAZO have been striving to provide footwear solutions for the rider’s safety.

We have over 30 years’ experience in manufacturing high-performance footwear and components. Our foray into manufacturing motorcycle footwear started in 2008. Since then, we have constantly upgraded our products and introduced products that serve the needs of the community.

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