The smooth and swift adoption of telehealth services during the pandemic brought into focus the concept of digital divide solutions into the limelight. In the healthcare sector, the access gaps in technology and the internet for the underserved populations were noticeable. As telemedicine visits are not limited to video or on-call communication, the conversation between patients and providers needs to expand beyond this technology and internet-based healthcare. Considering the digital divide solutions in healthcare, the lack of access to technology has been termed as SDOH or Social Determinants of Health and this has to expand our perspectives beyond the accessibility to gaps in care, innovations, and support to healthcare for the underserved individuals.
Communities belonging to the underserved regions do use technology, but digital health solutions are not particularly tailored for those belonging to the aging population with those amongst the lower digital literacy space. Amidst the COVID pandemic, which accelerated the new digital era in healthcare, integrating emerging technologies like telehealth services, IoT, and artificial intelligence continues to explore technology-enabled solutions, which can be a hindrance when focussing on access to health issues. According to a publication by Accenture, 93% of healthcare executives exclaimed that prioritizing innovations for their organizations in 2021, while 81% exclaimed a rapid pace in adopting the innovations for their organizations. This increase in innovations is being funded with an estimated USD 6.7 billion for digital health. This transformation in technology has been beneficial for both providers and patients. By 2026, more than 28% of the telehealth market is expected to reach new heights. Digital healthcare solutions especially telehealth services have made access to healthcare more cost-effective, convenient, and efficient. Telehealth services have reduced patient wait times, eliminated the need for people to take hours off work to communicate with providers, and decreased the risk of transmission of diseases. Even with this, gaps in access to care still exist and accessibility is still a main concern in the bridging digital divide.
Effects of Digital Divide in Telehealth Services for Underserved Communities
There are persistent disparities in certain communities with the same quality of internet access that is required for telehealth services. Certain states in the US also have disadvantages due to lack of internet access and the Health Professional Shortage Areas HPSAs lack adequate access to mental health, primary care, and dental care services and providers. Hence, creating a gap in access to healthcare services. Several populations have less literacy rates when it comes to accessing digital healthcare technology solutions, limiting their access to digital health tools, internet-enabled healthcare devices, and engaging in virtual care services. Hence, several vulnerable populations are limited from accessing telehealth services, even though they require this technological accessibility. These are the effects of digital divide in telehealth services faced by the rural and underserved communities.
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