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Important things must-have for summer safety

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Important things must-have for summer safety

Apart from the occasional trip to the beach, you might be tempted to take your car on a long road trip when summer is in full swing. It is normal to prepare your automobile for the winter season, but keeping your vehicle in good working order during the summer is also critical. Getting it repaired by reputed Richmond car repair before a lengthy drive and shielding it from the sun are just a couple of strategies to keep your automobile in good shape and sanity!

Coolant system:

It's critical that our cars stay cool in the heat like us. As a result, you should verify the hoses and reservoirs as well as the coolant level in the car. Look for leaks with special attention to connection points and joints. They should feel firm, not mushy, when you squeeze the hoses, assuming the engine is cool.

Clean wipers:

If you live somewhere where summer brings you surprise showers every now and again, make sure your wipers are in good working order. Wipers that are worn leave streaks on the windshield, which might hinder your driving. So, while you're getting your car serviced, ask about the wipers.

Focus on sun shade and dashboard: 

If you frequently park your car in a parking lot where it is exposed to the sun, you might consider purchasing a windshield cover to shelter the dashboard from damaging rays. If the windshield is shielded in this way, the cabin will keep significantly cooler. You should also get shades for the windows in the back. These shields will protect the back seats and the dashboard.

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Don’t compromise on the hygiene of vehicle:

Picnics are synonymous with summer. If you're travelling with children, the back seat is particularly prone to become filthy as a result of drink cans and empty cookie wrappers. Make sure the car's interior is spotless. It's also crucial to keep the vehicle's windshield free of dust and filth. This allows you to see more clearly when driving. It's also a good idea to keep the car's outside clean. Insect and bird damage to the paintwork must be protected and repaired. You can have your car waxed to maintain it clean and shiny.

Load your with vehicle with basic essentials

The first step is to fill your car with necessities that will keep you on the road. We recommend taking an emergency kit, water, snacks, and a first-aid kit to keep safe in any situation. Don't forget about other essentials such as jumper cables and tyre jacks!

Last but not least, now is an excellent opportunity to perform routine maintenance on your vehicle and replenish all fluids. Before summer temperatures begin to rise, you'll need to top out your engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, and power steering fluid.

If you're going on a long journey in the summer, make sure you have everything you need, including a spare tyre, an emergency first-aid kit, plenty of snacks, phone chargers, a GPS navigation system, a flashlight, and a small tool kit. You should also get your car maintained before embarking on the long journey. Another thing to consider before Richmond car repair is the vehicle's insurance, which should be current, much like the validity of your driver's license.

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