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Why my Alexa App Can’t Find Echo, Echo Dot?

Why my Alexa App Can’t Find Echo, Echo Dot?

Alexa is a smart virtual assistant that controls amazon echo, echo dot speakers, and other smart devices with your voice commands. Amazon Alexa and Echo dot usually work together, but sometimes issues can arise when you use the device.

Without the Alexa app, you can’t install and update Alexa with the device. One of the most common issues that the users have faced is Alexa App can’t find Echo and Echo Dot devices. The Alexa Offline or Alexa app can’t find Echo Dot; the Echo issue can be caused due to various reasons. Before fixing it, first, you need to understand the causes of the Alexa app not connecting with the echo issue.

Causes of Alexa App Can’t Find Echo, Echo Dot:

There are various reasons why the Alexa app can’t find Echo Dot, Echo. There may be

· Low Wi-Fi connection

· Power outage

· Outdated Alexa App

· Maybe Alexa and Echo not working properly

Steps to Resolve the Alexa App Can’t Find Echo Dot, Echo Device | Fix Alexa Offline

1.Properly Setup the Amazon Alexa and Echo Device:

Make sure Amazon Alexa and Echo devices has connected properly. If the Alexa and Echo haven’t been set up properly then you need to do it:

· Plug the Amazon Echo device into the power socket

· Wait for two minutes until the blue ring turn on

· After that install the Alexa App on your phone

· Now sign in to the Alexa app with the Amazon account

· If you have an amazon account then use the existing credentials, otherwise create a new amazon account.

· Choose the Echo device and language on the following options

· Wait for the orange light on the Echo device and connect it with Wi-Fi

· Tab to connect the Wi-Fi

· Now you can see the Orange light blinking on the echo device

· Once Alexa is connected to your Wi-Fi network, the setup is completed

2. Reinstall the Alexa App on your Phone:

When you see the Alexa offline, then you need to uninstall the Alexa app from your device. First, uninstall the Alexa app on your device and then reinstall it on your phone.

3. Check Wi-Fi Network:

Make sure the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network. Follow the steps to connect the Alexa device with a Wi-Fi network:

· Open the Device settings

· Go to the Wi-Fi settings on your phone

· Turn off the Wi-Fi network option and turn off the mobile data

· Wait for minutes, turn on the Wi-Fi network option, and go back to the Alexa App.

· Make sure it is connected

4. Reset Phone Settings:

Sometimes the date and time settings conflict. The Alexa and Echo devices are not going to complete the setup process properly. Change the date and time settings on your device.

· Open the phone settings

· Go to the Date and time settings

· Enable the option for automatic date and time

· Make sure the date and time are correct

5. Restart the Echo Device

In the end, you need to restart your echo device. Sometimes, restarting the Amazon Echo device may resolve the problem.

All of these methods help you to resolve the Alexa App can’t find Echo, Echo Dot device issue. If you still facing the issue, then you need to contact the Alexa technical experts. They will provide the right solution to fix it. Contact the Alexa experts for Alexa echo dot setup through Free Live Chat.

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