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Cloud Computing and its features

My Pc Geeks
Cloud Computing and its features

Cloud computing is extremely important in today's society since it allows users to access information such as music, films, and other media.

Cloud computing is a relatively new notion that is gaining traction among IT experts. The cloud computing paradigm creates a scalable resource pool accessible over the internet that may be made available to multiple users on demand at low prices. The merits and drawbacks of cloud computing are discussed in this study.

It is a sort of Internet-based computing that allows computers and other devices to access shared resources, software, and information on demand. It's a concept for providing ubiquitous, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be supplied and released quickly with no administration effort or service provider contact.

Cloud computing is a type of internet-based computing that allows users to share pools of configurable computing resources and data. This comprises software, platforms, infrastructure, and deployment services, as well as complete copies of these, for the purpose of hosting applications and services offered as internet services. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (paaS), and Software as a Service are the three basic forms of Cloud Computing (SaaS).

There are three different types of cloud computing

1. Public Cloud

2. Private Cloud

3. Hybrid Cloud

The most generous free plans provide each user with 15 GB of storage space, which is more than enough for hundreds of thousands of text files or tens of thousands of photos—far more than any one person could ever want. Even premium plan subscribers won't have to spend much to obtain access to vast quantities of cloud storage space; most firms charge less than $10 per month for 1 TB (1,000 GB).

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