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Dandeli River Rafting | Dandeli Rafting | Dandeli Resorts

Dandeli River Rafting | Dandeli Rafting | Dandeli Resorts

Kali river provider one of the finest rafting experiences in the entire country. The rafting trail is of about 12-15 kilometres which makes it very exhilarating and the surroundings throughout the trail are stunning, which makes the experience even more exciting and enjoyable.

The rafting here is suitable for everyone, from novice to master. The difficulty level here is grade 2 and grade 3 rapids. The grade 2 rapids include slightly rough waters, some rocks, and easy passages. The only requirement for this is basic paddling skills and overall this is quite simple to manoeuver.

Grade 3 rapids might have a few small waves or maybe a small drop somewhere, but overall this is completely harmless. It requires some significant manoeuvring and skilled steering. This might sound like something which requires experience and is not suitable for everyone, but this activity is done under the eyes of extremely trained and adept professionals, who make sure to make it a fun and safe experience for everyone, be it inexperienced amateurs or non-swimmers. The entire trail may take about 4-5 hours for completion.

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