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Wow! Spanish architects have transformed an old warehouse into a modern residential building

Lucy Sheldon
Wow! Spanish architects have transformed an old warehouse into a modern residential building

If you are no longer surprised by the transformation of apartments with "grandmother's" renovation, take a look at the project of the Spanish studio BURR. The team breathed a second life into the old warehouse: the customer was a local photographer, for whom a stylish and comfortable accommodation was thought out.

When creating the Eulalia project, the architects did not change the layout. Everything you need has been provided in the former warehouse. The authors designed an open-plan kitchen, a cozy living room, a work area and a dining room.

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The bedroom and bathroom are located in a separate area: the toilet and shower are in a recess, and above them there is a bedroom. The decoration may seem cold and rough, but this is not an oversight of the designers, but a feature of the house - the team aimed to keep the industrial style in the interior. Photographs are responsible for the accents here, plants enliven and decorate the atmosphere.

With this example, the studio sought to emphasize that industrial heritage can be protected, along the way eliminating the problem with rising property prices in the city.

Lucy Sheldon
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