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Optimize Your Wireless Router for the Best Performance

Networkise Cloud Technologies
Optimize Your Wireless Router for the Best Performance

Internet connection on a single PC is a fairly simple task that can be accomplished by connecting an Ethernet cable, but wireless-enabled devices necessitate the use of a router. While networking-equipment manufacturers have made installation utilities more user-friendly over the years, getting the most out of your new wireless router purchase usually requires delving a little deeper than the standard installation routine will allow.

Follow these simple steps to properly configure your router and optimize your wireless network.

  1. Move your router: To get the most out of your Internet connection, avoid placing the router behind physical barriers that can make it difficult for the wireless signal to reach your device, reducing WiFi speed. Keep your router away from coarse materials and confined spaces.
  2. Disconnect devices: WiFi performance will be impacted if multiple devices are connected to a router. The bandwidth is shared by all Internet-connected devices. The greater the number of devices connected to the Internet, the smaller the portion of speed distributed to each device. Limiting the number of devices connected to your network can help you improve your Internet speeds.
  3. Clean your devices: Most routers will slow down to the speed of your slowest device, so it's critical to perform regular maintenance on your device to protect and boost your connection. The performance of your smartphone, laptop, and tablet will gradually deteriorate. 
  4. Run regular virus scans.: Clear browsers and cookies regularly. Look up how to clear cookies on your specific device on the internet. Keep the firmware on your router up to date. Update notifications can be found on the manufacturer's website.
  5. Protect your WiFi: Require a password to join your network to protect your connection from malicious cyber threats or neighbors connecting their devices to your broadband connection. Keep in mind that your internet connection is shared by all devices. 
  6. Expand your WiFi: You may add new devices to your network over time as technology advances. As you add more devices to your WiFi network, it may be time to rethink the best Internet speed for your family's connected lifestyle.

We are an established supply partner for Cisco routers in Dubai having our business process integrated with solutions, delivering smarter supply chains with efficiency, agility, and resilience. If you are looking for routers in Dubai, contact us

Networkise Cloud Technologies
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