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Recruitment Metrics: Time to Fill

mayank kejriwal
Recruitment Metrics: Time to Fill

If you are a recruiter then you should be aware of recruiting metrics. These are various measurements or analytics which are used to track the hiring success of your recruitment team and optimize the recruitment process along with it for an organization. When correctly used, these analytics or metrics help in evaluating the recruitment process and whether or not the organization is hiring the right people for the right positions. Time to Fill is an essential recruitment metric that countless organizations use this metric to measure the exact number of days it takes from a new job requisition being created and posted to when the offer was made and accepted by the candidate. This metric is typically used to measure the effectiveness of recruiters within an organization.

In other words, time to fill is the total amount of time that you need to fill a particular position. This recruitment metric helps you in planning your recruitment better and also it serves as a warning when your recruitment process takes too much time.

In simple words, time to fill can be defined as the number of days elapsed between the publication of a new job opening and getting an offer accepted by a suitable applicant.

The Time to fill metric can help you by being:

  • A critical recruitment metric to create a more informed and more accurate recruitment plan.
  • A key indicator to show that your job advertising isn’t working out
  • A pre emptive warning that you’re not sourcing quick enough

First of all, time to fill ought to never be mistaken for time to hire which tracks the time elapsed between a suitable applicant’s first contact (regardless of whether they apply or whether you source them) to their possible recruit and onboarding. This may appear to be a very minute distinction; however, it’s definitely not. One measurement is a reality check for what time the entire procedure is taking, while the other disclose to you how quick you move once you’ve discovered the correct applicant. 

mayank kejriwal
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