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Top 8 Languages That Are Easy To Learn

CCJK Technologies
Top 8 Languages That Are Easy To Learn

There are more than 7200 languages in the world. The dialects and languages of the world depend on the native languages. Based on which a few languages are hard to learn and others are easy. English speakers have their unique advantages which are due to the Germanic and Romantic influences that this language shares with other languages. There are a number of people who have an interest in learning new languages. Hence, the good news for them is a handy list organized by the United Foreign Service institutes (FSI) for native English speakers. 


However, 8 of the easiest languages to learn among these are


1. Norwegian 

This language is quite easy to learn for people who can speak English. This is due to the North Germanic roots which both languages share. English speakers and people who speak English can easily communicate in the Norwegian language and can also apprehend the language in the best possible way. However, the trickiest part involved is to go for the practice of being fluent in the language. So, this should be the first choice to learn for English speakers. Most Norwegians are fluent in English.


2. Swedish

Swedish is the second language on the list. People who have enjoyed ‘The Muppets’ know about the pleasing factor and musicality that this language offers already. There are many similarities between the English and Swedish languages. Both languages share a number ofwords, syntax, and conjugation rules. Learning only four additional vowels and the unique Scandinavian “sje” brings the Swedish chef on and is quite easier than ever.


3. Danish

Danish translation services are required by the business owners who intend to execute their operations in Denmark and its surroundings. Here is a fun activity to read and analyze. Lets start reading, Mandag, Tirsdag, Torsdag, Fredag, Lordag, Sondag. Does it sound familiar? These are the days of the week. So yes, it is not much difficult to understand. This further reflects how it is easy to learn for English speakers. Danish makes cuts thanks to grammar patterns that are similar to English. They also share more than nine verb forms and Germanic-influenced vocabulary.


However, here is a tip about Danes. They speak quite soft and fast as well so if you want to learn and offer professional translation services pay attention and listen up. So that there are no ambiguities and mistakes even if you take up the job of a translator.


4. Spanish

The translation agencies and people involved in professional translation services know well how Spanish is one of the important languages. It has more than 330 million speakers all over the globe. Many people who have learned the language are always pondering how it is easy. Words are written in the way they are pronounced. They help to maintain grammar consistency. There are false cognates as well which are the words that sound similar to English and other languages and actually have different meanings. Learning Spanish is worthwhile as it opens the door to many opportunities. A survey conducted by the Telegraph quoted, that more than 40% of employers consider Spanish to be an extremely beneficial language in the global economy. May language vendors and professional translation services companies understand this and ensure that they are catering to the needs of Spanish translation services.


5. Portuguese

Portuguese and many other languages such as Finish has greater similarities with Spanish and Romance languages. Finnish translation services are also significant these days to cater to the target market. Portuguese on the other hand has a handful of prepositions. Most of these are intuitive interrogatives. Almost everyone can inquire about their university in Portuguese. So it is quite an easy language to learn, speak and understand. Brazil has emerged as the 6th rising economy all over the world which also had made it imminent for people to realize the importance of the Portuguese language. This land has a lot of business opportunities hence learning the language and also offering translation services in Portuguese and another language such as Finnish isreally fruitful.


6. Italian

The Italian language is adored by one and all due to its readability, rhythm, and flow the language that even English speakers can enjoy and understand quickly. It is quite easier after mastering the particular Italian phonemes. It is fun to learn this language and way easier for the people who understand English. Also, when in the premises of Italy and so there are options of offering a delectable opportunity that can help with the mastering of the craft.


7. French

Language vendors are always looking for translators who are proficient in French, Finnish, and other languages to offer professional Finnish translation services. Only experienced translators with relevant expertise can take care of this. French is a relatively easy language to learn and speak. French is also considered to be a full third language of English. It has almost 8000 languages exactly. However, gendered nouns, verb forms, and pronunciation matters could be hurdles in learning this language. Nonetheless, there are many familiar words as well which are not going to feel you feel sidelined.


8.  Romanian

Romanian is another beautiful and easy-to-learn language with Danish and others. People who are fluent in Romanian and Danish have pretty good opportunities and can also offer their services in the professional Danish translation services. Regardless of the people’s assumptions regarding Romanian having links to Slavic influences, Romanian relations with Latin have made it possible to stand on the list. Latin shares its roots with the languages as more as 80%. The sentence structure is also as same as in the English language.


Final words

The world is full of languages and more than 7200 languages are spoken worldwide. Most languages are interlinked with each other and share the vocabulary, words, sentences, and lexical structures. Depending on the similarities and differences many languages are easy to learn while others are difficult to try.


CCJK Technologies
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