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Where to Study an Aged Care Course for Free? How Government Funding Can Help

Where to Study an Aged Care Course for Free? How Government Funding Can Help

What qualifications do I need to work in aged care?

To become an aged care worker, employers typically require you to have a relevant qualification. Ages care has many facets and many role types. If you have prior training in all areas of aged care, you will be able to hit the ground running once you enter the workforce.

Got previous experience in the healthcare system? Qualifications in a related field? You may already have a head start. For people from an unrelated area, there are Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses available through TAFE and other RTOs (Registered Training Organisations) that can offer flexible learning schedules — and most importantly — are subsidised by the government.



Australia constantly needs enthusiastic and empathetic newcomers to the aged care industry. Because of this, the government has created subsidies for specific courses so that recruits can gain the qualifications they need to help enrich this essential sector. 

Another way to gain your qualification in aged care is through a traineeship. This means you will work in the industry straight away and study simultaneously — earning while you learn.

Both the Certificate III in Individual Support and the Certificate IV in Ageing Support are available as Australian Apprenticeships.


Qualifications available for funding


The Australian Government worked in partnership with states and territories to establish Job Training Institute.

Job Training Institute offers eligible learners free or low-fee VET courses like diplomas, certificates and short courses. Job Training Institute covers many industries, one of which is aged care and disability support.




Job Training Institute: JTI allows eligible Victorians to study a Certificate III in Individual Support CHC33015 and a Certificate IV in Disability CHC43115 for free or a low fee. 


FREE TAFE: FREE TAFE for priority courses covers the tuition fees for eligible learners for government-subsidised training over many courses.


To know more about different gov. funded courses, Visit: https://jti.edu.au/ 

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