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3 Tips to Keep Your Jacket from Cracking

James Lavine
3 Tips to Keep Your Jacket from Cracking

Leather jackets no matter how expensive they are, tend to crack if not taken care of them effectively. You have to ensure that the men’s real leather jackets that you are investing in are worth the investment and apart from this, you are taking care of it nicely as well. People often complain about how their leather jacket easily cracks when they wear them, it is because they do not upkeep them how they should be kept. Leather jackets for men are the perfect attire to wear on Eid or at any party you go to. As it is said many times it is one staple piece of clothing that helps you maintain your overall look and make you look exceptional in all the cases.

We all can agree with the fact that leather jackets are known for their durability and strength, however, the only way to keep their durability intact is to ensure they are maintained properly. When you take care of them how you should do it, they last you for decades. I mean it when I say they last for decades. On the other hand, when you neglect them, they are more likely to get cracked. When you do not take care of them like it should have been taken care of, be ready for the lots of cracking on your jacket. Spending a fortune on your leather jacket only to find it cracked at the end is not something we would want. When the superficial layers of grain splits open the overall surface of the jacket is left to dry out. 

Now the question arises, how can I prevent his/ her jacket from cracking? Is it even possible? Can we do that? Can we save our jacket from getting ruined all the time? Well, yes this is very much possible for everyone. All you have to do is take care of the following things and your jacket will be well taken care of.

1) Go for the Best Quality

One of the many ways to extend the life of your jacket is to get a jacket that is of premium quality. If you are getting something of good quality there are a lot more chances for it to last you long. However, it does not guarantee you a lifetime even if you do not take care of them. One of the many reasons why even the expensive and top-quality jacket cracks are because people do not do proper care of them. Well, when you spend money, you have to ensure you are taking care of your commodity as well. 

There is no surprise in it that the jackets that are made of low quality are more prone to cracking than the ones that are made of premium quality. It makes your purchase decision easier that is to invest in a jacket that is of good quality. If you are looking for the type of leather that you should get then it is not anything else that the napa leather, as it offers a top level of protection from cracking. Not only cracking it saves your jacket from all the other kinds of damage as well.

2) Let it Breathe

When you allow your jacket to breathe it gives them the space to ease themselves out, literally, if you are keeping your jacket all packed in your cupboard chances are they are going to get cracked. The material of leather is usually all porous and needs to breathe, and when you keep it in a sealed bag it does not breathe. The moisture vapor is out in the air which does not reach the leather jacket. With time, it gets cracked and faces different kinds of damage.

You have a few options to ensure your jacket is breathing, either keep it out of your sealed bags or place it in the bag for a few minutes or a few hours only. It is the best way to minimize this problem with your jacket. Another option for you is to keep your jacket in the open place where it has the space to breathe. Your jacket will be less likely to crack if it has a place to breathe. When you give your leather jacket a well-ventilated space, they have ample room for breathing. The moisture vapor will easily reach your jacket and protect it from cracking.

3) Keep it in a Dark Area

Another tip to keep your jacket from cracking is to store it in a dark area, do not keep it in a place where there is a direct hit from the sunlight. If your jacket is in the place where it is directly exposed to sunlight the chances are it will become drier which would lead to it cracking. On the other hand, do not make the mistake of storing your jacket in your car, if your windows are not tinted. Sunlight is pretty harsh for the leather jacket and is quite unforgiving and easily dries out the common materials like leather. It will not happen in one day but if it reaches your jacket constantly then be ready to wear a cracked jacket to the party next time. The good news is you can keep your jacket safe by storing it in a dark place. Instead of keeping it in your car, we recommend you keep it in a dark area, it would protect your jacket from cracking. 

Apart from all these, you can condition your jacket every now and then and make sure you are keeping it away from HEAT.

James Lavine
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