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How do I Reset My Verizon Router? Restore Settings to Factory Defaults

David Brown

If your Verizon router has stopped working or not catching the internet connection, you have forgotten the password. Then you can opt for Factory Reset Verizon Router. Before that, try some troubleshooting methods to fix it, like plugging in and out the router from the socket, removing any obstruction near the router, etc.; if these troubleshooting methods are not helping, you can opt for a factory reset. To know how to factory reset a Verizon router, follow the steps given below.

What is a Verizon router factory reset?

Verizon router factory reset is a hard reset. When you face any difficulty with your Verizon router and have tried all the troubleshooting methods, and still the problem is not solved, you are advised to factory reset your router. When you factory reset your Verizon router, it will clear all your customized settings, you will set the username of the router and its password to the default, and you will have to reset the password and username again.

Readout how to reset your Verizon Fios router

After trying everything, you cannot fix the problem with your router, then reset your Verizon Fios router on your own. The instructions to reset the router are mentioned below:

  • Plugin your router if you have plugged it out and turn it on

  • Then look for the reset button on the backside of the router.

  • Use a pointed object like a pen, press the reset button and hold it for 20 seconds.

  • Wait for the router to blink the green light and fully reset.

  • Once a router is reset, change the name and password of the router. 

By following the given guide, one can resolve their query 'How to reset Verizon Router. If, after resetting the router, your router's problem is not fixed, then it is advised to call the customer service of Verizon router. They will visit your place and fix the problem.

David Brown
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