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Top 4 Ways to Take Good Care of Your Boston Fern Plants

Leaf Baba
Top 4 Ways to Take Good Care of Your Boston Fern Plants

If you ever look for the lushest and green plant, you will always find Fern plants on the top. It is ideal for most home gardeners who prefer adding some exotic pinch of greenery to their space. They don't demand too much attention and care as excellent houseplants. However, the wrong climate and maintenance can also cut their life span. Here are the best tips to take care of your Boston fern plants. Let's Begin:

Do Not Let Them Dry Out Completely

You might be wondering why your ferns do not live longer. Well, there can be many reasons behind it. Ferns don't like to be in a dry place for longer. If you have a black thumb in gardening, keeping the Fern plant alive for longer won't be easier. For best care, you need to keep them a little moist all the time but not soggy. If you want to buy them online, choose Leaf Baba and make sure never to let them dry out completely to increase their lifespan.

Keep Them in a humid Place

If you want your ferns to keep thriving at their best, you need to keep them in a humid spot. Your Bathroom can be the perfect spot to get the humidity they ask for as they are wet most of the time during the day, and bathrooms are the best place to receive constant moisture. When you place your fern plant there, they will receive the humidity from the showers and taps.

Place them at a Shady Location

Boston Fern plants prefer to be in a shady place where they don't have to face direct sunlight. The best thing you can do to ensure the proper growth for them is to avoid keeping them in a place where they receive direct sunlight. Always keep them at a place where they can receive bright filtered sun rays after buying online from Leaf Baba. Also, it is recommended to rotate them frequently for best growth.

Re-Pot as They Grow

The best advice we can give for the best care of the Fern plant is to re-pot them after a year or two years. Check whether the plant outgrows the current pot, and the roots start to come out. Choose a large plant pot bigger from Leaf Baba than the required size to ensure better growth.   

Leaf Baba
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