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Want to know about Fully Automatic Square Bottom Paper Bag Making Machine

Sahil Graphics
Want to know about Fully Automatic Square Bottom Paper Bag Making Machine

Paper bags have become immensely popular among the masses thanks to them being eco-friendly and biodegradable in nature. More and more people are interested to buy paper bags and equal numbers are keen to start their own venture in the same area. Sahil Graphics is known to produce and manufacture paper bag making machine, square bottom paper bag making machine is high in demand and is capable of producing large of paper bags in an efficient and cost-effectively.

Some of the key highlights and features of the fully automatic square bottom paper bag making machine have been summarized below-


·   To start with, the machine is capable of manufacturing large number of bags in various possible bag size ranges, making it cost-efficient and useful for various purposes.

·   The powerful machine is known to deliver high performance without any lacking.

·    The wear and tear of the machine is less making it lasts long with high durability

·   The fully automatic machine comes with advanced features and operations which are easy to handle and operate.

·   With automation, the overall wastage is drastically reduced.

·   Lifting the reels is a major concern in paper bag manufacturing, the reel feeding is now equipped with an automatic hydraulic lifting function, where this operation is done with mere click of a button.

·   There is an arrangement for automatic edge correction also so that tubes are made in the best possible shape without the need for any correction.

·   With an automatic side glue dispensing system, the right amount of glue is put according to the need and quality of the paper. While dispensing the glue, the speed of the running paper is also considered.

·   The maximum operations are done in the paper bag manufacturing unit. It involves a tube forming side pasting bag, creasing and gluing the bottom.

·   Two servo motors are alsopresent to ensure the right cutting which can be changed and achieved through the touch screen.

·    The machine is strong and runs effectively thanks to high-quality mechanical support used. The heavy-duty machine is able to take high stress and works round theclock without any issues.

·    With auto-detection electric sensors the overall chances of breakdown are greatly reduced.


The high-quality square bottom paper bag making machine is fast and highly efficient thanks to it being enabled with useful key features, like an automatic fault detection system that ensures that there is no breakdown and damage to the machine while it is running at its normal speed. If there is any kind of disturbance, it will stop immediately thus saving it from unwanted losses.


Oiling and refueling are important aspects in any machine. With an automatic refueling system, it is possible to oil the machine while it is running. The system makes sure that all the parts and gears of the machine are completely lubricated, thus giving it a long-life.


Those looking for high quality, flexible and fully automatic square bottom paper bag making machine can easily book the same and start their lucrative business.

Sahil Graphics
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